I just wondered if any one had a problem with bloated geckos. My girl is six months old and has what i can only discribe as "jelly belly" the end of her belly keeps bloating up and becomes large,swollen and see through. The specialist at the reptile shop has never seen it before. We have an appointment at the vets end of week. She does seem better after i've bathed her and some chalky stuff seems to have come out of her back end. Before this she was regurgitating crickets and getting a little thin, she does now seem a little better with regular bathing, but still needs to bring her weight back up. Greatfull for any input. New to this. Thanks Sam.
Actully having an after thought could i be dusting the crickets with to much vitamin powder??? just thinking of what came out of her back end.???? Getting it bunged up.
Actully having an after thought could i be dusting the crickets with to much vitamin powder??? just thinking of what came out of her back end.???? Getting it bunged up.
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