Possible to breed with more then 1 male/season?


New Member
Just a quick question. I have bred one of my females this season with a mack snow. She is gravid with her first clutch but I was wondering if after she lays her eggs would it be possible to introduce her to a super snow or since they only need to mate once per season would I need to wait until the next season? Not sure if a new male could 'over ride' the sperm she already has stored up or not. If not then no big deal, there is always next season right :)


allentown PA
funny u ask that i tried that with cornsnakes and it worked and ive heard of other people that have done it successfully and im waiting for my leos to lay their second clutch so i can introduce my enigma there will just be sperm from both males swimming around and with 2 eggs its possible to get babys from both males just kno that its hard to keep track of the babys genetics this way and u wont be sure wat u really have


allentown PA
example: i breed my SSTphBlz to my SHTCTB and im going to breed my snow enigma to the shtctb now those babys that r enigma ill kno they r from the enigma those who come out tangerine will be from the enigma as well bt those that come out just snow will be unknown because a superform like the SS will always give u co dom snows if breed to a normal now those cant even be labeled PhBLZ because they could be from ether male im still doing it i really like the snows and will not label any of the babys phblz since i havent proved the male

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
It is possible, but you won't be able to say for sure which male fathered the snow hatchlings. Not a big deal if they have no hets, or the exact same hets, but I wouldn't do it personally, I prefer to know the exact genetics of anything I produce.


New Member
If you will produce anything normal het for something I wouldn't do it. Just because you won't know who the babies daddy is. As long as no hets are involved from breeding with either male I say go for it.
I like to only pair anything with one male so you know for sure who the father is.


New Member
It is possible, but you won't be able to say for sure which male fathered the snow hatchlings. Not a big deal if they have no hets, or the exact same hets, but I wouldn't do it personally, I prefer to know the exact genetics of anything I produce.

thats why you take them to maury povice he will test the baby and the possible dad to find out lol

sorry kinda had to


New Member
lol or you can take em to jerry instead of chairs they can throw meal worms and calcium dishes lol
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