Possibly Brumation happening?


New Member
United States
Hey everyone, i thought id ask a question. My leopard gecko shedded on monday and hasnt ate since. I usually keep the temperatures close to what they need, but since winter is almost done, its still fairly cold out and it just snowed. So ive heard that most reptiles can sense weather patterns and my room where i have my gecko stays a little cooler than normal. So that being said, is the reason why my gecko hasnt ate in 5 days due to the process of brumation? shes not on the cool side shes kind of on the hot side/middle but not under the light, just kind of laying outside of her rock mostly, can someone please tell me if this is true?


New Member
If she just shed Monday, its not surprising at all. They eat there shed and its a pretty large meal for them. I bet she will start eating soon. Brumation does happen. My female just started to eat somewhat normal again. During Brumation they will be less active, and not eat at all or as much. Don't get too concerned yet. It's also a good rule to weigh your Leo's every once in a while that way you can track weight gain/loss. I can't give you an exact cause, but I honestly wouldn't be concerned yet. If it continues, post a new thread and fill out health and illness questionnaire


New Member
United States
Thanks man i appreciate the response, yeah i forgot to mention i gave her a few wax worms the day before lol, so since they are quite high in fat, i can understand if she'll be full awhile. Besides that shes already kind of chubby and since shes at an adult size i wouldnt be surprised if she slowed feeding appetite down.


New Member
Your welcome. Yeah, watch feeding lots of waxies. They should really only be for treats. It's sort of like there version of McDonalds lol. My female is about 5 or so, and she will go off food every few months. Sometimes she will stop for a few days, a week, and during brumation sometimes 2 weeks without anything. I have 2 Leo's, so I always feed at the same time. Weather they eat or not, I'll still try to feed them. Like I said, watch for weight loss and keep an eye on fecals. Sounds like your Leo is just taking a few days off though. Good luck, if the problem persists, let us know.


New Member
United States
hey i thought id let you know something!, i tried to feed my gecko 2 small crickets today and she ate them both!, unfortunately i didnt dust them because i just wanted to see if she actually would eat them, but she did haha. and she looks like she just ate a huge meal, probably still full from the shed. any tips on whens the next time to feed her again, should i wait till she deficates? please let me know, thanks


New Member
I honestly wouldn't change feeding schedule. If she will eat, let her eat. Still keep an eye out for fecals but it could take a day or two. If she still isn't going in a few days, let us know.

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