Potential Leo Owner


New Member
I am awaiting my parents answer, but if they say yes, I am going to get a leo. I have done my research, but am looking for some tips anyone might wanna give. Thanks:D


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
I am awaiting my parents answer, but if they say yes, I am going to get a leo. I have done my research, but am looking for some tips anyone might wanna give. Thanks:D

Oh man there are so many things.I'm sure u did your research.If i had to pick the most important it would be to keep your warm end between 88-95 degs on the warm end.


Happy Gecko Family
I think the first thing you need to do (besides researching) is to let your parent know about all the costs - equipments (tanks, heating elements and control, supplements...etc), feeders, and even possible vet bills. If they agree to those, then WELCOME TO THE GECKO WORLD!! You'll love these cute animals! :)


New Member
Ellensburg, WA
One thing that always turns up with my pets, even though I live on my own now, is sometimes I have to get my parents to watch them, so make sure someone is okay with handling crickets/mealworms besides you, even if its just getting them in a bag from the pet shop and dumping them in the tank (I was very lucky my mom liked my two big eyed tree frogs enough to actually do that for them, though she refused to ever hold them. The frogs, not the crickets).

I hope it works out and that they say yes, good luck!

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Don't neglect/underestimate your leo's mositure/humidity needs. Temps are mucho important, don't think hotter is always better & under tank heaters, understanding suppliments and the differences between what's available from complete mixes (calcium and multi vit in one) and those you have to either mix (Repti brands) multi vit/calcium/D3 on your own properly or risk over/under supplimenting somewhere. Personally I find the complete suppliments like Repashy calcium plus icb or T-Rex leopard gecko dust the easiest for beginners (I got my 1st leo in October 2010). Gutloading and understanding your feeders. Appropriate housing. Spend some time on the thread "Show off your Enclosure/tank". Get an idea of how others do it before buying a bunch of things you might not need (like UV lighting and sand).

There's a lot of great threads on the forum for info on all those :main_yes:.


New Member
Thanks for all the replies :). Its good to have some thing to keep in mind. BTW is there any way I can feed the leo dead food?


New Member
Austin, Texas
Not all leos take to dead food. It's much more healthy for them to eat live food. Only one of mine takes to already dead and I only give them to her when I'm out.

Why do you want to feed dead ones anyways?


New Member
get a tank by Jan. 15th because Petco is having their $1 per gallon sale so it's totally worth it haha xD $20 for a 20galLong? Not bad at all :D Uhm...make sure your parents know about the fact you might have to take your gecko to the vet God forbid something happens. I just went on Yahoo Answers and this person was asking about her sick gecko and what she should do because her mom won't let her take her gecko to the vet and in summary I just said you need to take it to the vet, and if you can't, you shouldn't have one. So yea, if you can't take your gecko to the vet, you're wasting a life because it will die due to the lack of veterinary care. So make sure you have a vet, preferably a herpvet, in the area. Hmm let's see what else. Oh! Don't get one from a pet store. It's more likely to be diseased. Go to a reptile expo instead where you have these healthy awesome geckos, and are surrounded by hundreds of beautiful morphs haha I would suggest feeding roaches, but if you can't (like me) go with mealworms and occasional crickets for babies, and superworms and occasional crickets for adults. Superworms are too big for the babies, but they're a little better because their exoskeleton is a tad easier to digest. I wouldn't go full on crickets because 1) they smell 2) they make noise 3) they can escape and once they do...oh be prepared to lose A LOT of sleep 4) You can't leave them in the gecko's enclosure because they can start nibbling on your gecko...not cool 5) the chirping can also stress your gecko out, not just you. So yea, besides the fact that your gecko will get some excercise, crickets aren't exactly the best >.< if i think of anything else I'll post again, but I hope i helped! And i hope your parents say yes! I haven't gotten mine yet, but i've got the tank all set up ^_^ good luck!


New Member
It was if i went on vacation. But i figured it out. Also, can the two regular hides be homemade? I know the humid hide can. Thanks


New Member
Yes, I believe that pretty much everything in the enclosure can be home made :) I use tupperware and old gift boxes, pretty much anything can work

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