Pretty sure my leo hates me



Hi everyone,

Picked up a leo from the pet store probably about a month or so ago. He's not too fond of me. I've only been able to pick him up once, and that was in the first day or two that I've had him. He hardly ever comes out of his hide away, and when he does it's just at night to bask or eat. I tried to pick him up for the first time today since about the first week I got him and not only did he run away but he even hissed at me. He's grown a lot since I've had him and he's getting a little pale so I think he's about to shed. Do they get stressed when they shed or do I just have an unsociable gecko?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I just went thru this with my leo. There's actually a thread titled "shedding with attitude" that goes into my experience with it. From what I was told they can get very sensitive when coming into shed and don't want to be pestered. Eros finally shed night before last and yesterday was the first chance I had to handle him in nearly a week. Not quite the attitude yours gave you but it was obvious he didn't want held but I just reached in and grabbed him despite his attempts to escape, but no hissing (thank the gods, that likely would have scared the pee outta me :) ). After he sheds he will prob. be more tolerant of handling, and I would suggest doing it at least every other day from here on until y'all build a good bond. Also hand fedding by dropping the food in has helped our relationship TONS.


New Member
Ihave some leos that we have had forever and they till do not like being held. I think all leos are different and some tolerate being held better then others.


New Member
^^^^---- i would say so! my one male does not like anyone! i have a deal with anyone that comes over, if they can pick him up without getting bit then they can have a baby of their choice for free


New Member
Sheffield, UK
its also likely down to the fact that youve handled him only once in one month. just start handling him more often and he should get used to it and become a bit more tamer. once he gets used to you then he shouldnt be a problem.
and they do get a bit stressed while sheding but its not for a whole month.


Thanks for the replies. Hopefully Khalifa isn't inherently unsociable. I'll try hand feeding him after he's finished shedding. Are there any other techniques I can use besides that to help him trust me?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I have found that most animals are like men in this respect, that the way to their hearts is thru their bellies. Even tho Eros has only been with us since October 1, I hand feed him all the time, and now when he hears the tin foil rattle on the top of his screen lid he starts poking his head out and looking for me. It's a learned behavior, kinda Pavlovian in that respect, but it builds trust, and once you have trust, and they learn that they can depend on you, the bond forms from there. Talk to it, say soft words. I always say hey there to Eros when I take the top off his tank to feed him, ask him how ya doin, ya hungry? and as much as I know better it seems he responds to the voice with a cock of his head and a glaring eye in my direction. Then after I feed him I hold him for about 45 minutes, we watched House last night together and even hubby spent some time holding him. He just for the most part sat on my knee and seemed to be watching the program, altho it was more likely the color changes that caught his attention, but either way... we enjoyed it. It was a build up of time tho before I would even think of taking him out of the room he ishoused in, then I walked around the house introducing him to each room (yeah kinda corny but he was a bit schetched and the soft voice seems to help him relax) then the beginning of last week we would start our extended social times watching a program and just hanging out. He really seems to like having his spine gently stroked and I find it oddly soothing as well. I was scared to death when I first got him that he was gonna bite me, he always had that "I'm gonna leap for your jugular" look in his eye, but one day I just manned up and grabbed him and we started from there. I made sure he was calm and comfortable before I'd put him back in his tank, I didn't want him to learn that by being exciteable he got what he wanted, left alone. It's a slow process but well worth it, but you have to kinda wrap your head around it and can't be negative.


New Member
its also likely down to the fact that youve handled him only once in one month. just start handling him more often and he should get used to it and become a bit more tamer. once he gets used to you then he shouldnt be a problem.
and they do get a bit stressed while sheding but its not for a whole month.

^ This.

Your leo isn't going to get used to you or being handled if you're only trying it once a month. Try it for a few minutes each day. It'll get better and better over time. While having it out, you can also try giving a worm or two from the palm of your hand (don't hold the worm because it might bite your finger accidently). It'll learn that you are a source of food and therefore be more tolerant of you.

Hissing is usually from very young leos that are pretty much skittish about everything. If s/he is still very small it might be very afraid of you and not tolerate handling at all. Put your hand in the tank and let it get used to your hand, so it can realize you're not going to hurt it. Also, by touching things in the tank, it will get used to your smell.

Doing things like this should help, but some leos may always be skittish. Best of luck.

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