problem shedding


New Member
Ok so my leopard gecko is having a hard time shedding on his toe and his head.
he has been at shedding all day and has gotten shed stuck on his toe, I have put a plate of warm water in his cage and a very humid hide in the cage as well my problem is if this does not work I can not pick him up and help it off because he is not tame at all yet and i do not want to stress him out more than he already is. and he also has it stuck around his neck and I do not know if he will need help with that too if you can help me it will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
yes he always has a moist hide at all times for a 7 day week on monday he has none, on tuesday he gets calcium w/out D3, wens day none, thursday multivitamin, friday calcium w/ D3 saturday none and sunday calcium w/out D3 then he always has calcium w/out D3 in the cage and this has never ever happened
hope this helped

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Okay, you said, "he has been at shedding all day," which I assume means he only started shedding today. If he just started today, I wouldn't worry about it yet. If it's still there tomorrow, then you might need to help him out. Would you be able to coax him into his humid hide without picking him up?



New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
My girl Ozy doesn't want ANYTHING to do with me unless I have food. She HATES being handled. I have had to get shed off her leg before. You just have to grab him (gently and not by the tail) and fanagle him into a dish of warm water. Let him soak for awhile and while he is in the water just take a q-tip and work at it. You can use tweezers as well, as long as you are gentle. If I have to hold Ozy I hold her above the bowl of water. She stays still then, because she knows if she jumps for it, she's just going to get a face full of water. So she chooses the lesser of the evils. It won't hurt him to be a little stressed from you helping him. Better than having shed stuck on him. :)

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