Wondering if anyone else has a situation where one of more of your leo's is prone to prolapse due to a type of feeder.
One of my girls, Strife, always has prolapse issues when fed a hard-shelled feeder; mealies and supers or anything with a higher chitin level. However she is perfectly fine with crickets and dubia roaches - and does well with wax worms as treats and would likely do well on other softer-bodied feeders.
Right now her staple food is dubia roaches, the other leos do get mealworms and supers on occasion.
One of my girls, Strife, always has prolapse issues when fed a hard-shelled feeder; mealies and supers or anything with a higher chitin level. However she is perfectly fine with crickets and dubia roaches - and does well with wax worms as treats and would likely do well on other softer-bodied feeders.
Right now her staple food is dubia roaches, the other leos do get mealworms and supers on occasion.
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