Proper use of the term "Snow"?


New Member
As a 1st year hobbying and a hobbyist that has focused primarily on recessive genes for 7months, I am a little unsure about the proper use of the term "snow"....??

I know there are different types: mack, gem, tug, (probably more).

My primary question: If a leo is labeled on a website as "Snow raptor", or maybe "snow DB", or anything that says "snow _____", do we ASSUME that it is a MACK snow?

Is this like the "understood 'you' " in the english language? for example: "Go get that gecko" is actually = "(You) go get that gecko."

I just want to be sure that, unless it is specifically labeled as "Tug/Gem/other", a "snow" is a "mack snow."????


New Member
Rhode Island
Yes, if you see a gecko listed as snow raptor, snow DB, or snow Tremper then it is very likely that it is a mack snow. All of the other snows are more valuable than the mack snow, so if a breeder is selling a gem snow raptor, they would want to make it clear that it has gem snow in it, Since a gem snow raptor is worth much more than a snow raptor.

I hope I explained it right.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I agree that Mack is the default, but I would be sure to clarify with the breeder. If you stumble across one of those folks who mixed Snow lines, "Snow" might mean "some type of snow but I don't know which"... XD


New Member
South Carolina
Assuming when it comes to genetics can get you in trouble. Typically if I am selling a Mack Snow Eclipse or a Mack Snow RAPTOR for example, they are labeled as a Mack Eclipse and a Mack RAPTOR. This is true with most breeders. To me, I would question the line of Snow if an animal is labeled as a "Snow Eclipse" or a "Snow RAPTOR"

All of the other snows are more valuable than the mack snow
I personally don't agree with this with the exception of the LBS (Line Bred Snow). In fact even as long as the "morphs" have been around it is still heavily debated that the TUG and Gem Snows are just an extension of the Mack Snow gene because breeding either one back to a Mack can produce Super Snows. I don't work with anything other line of Snow other than the Mack so I don't have first hand experience on the subject. Makes sense to me considering the creator of the TUG is now selling Mack/TUG crosses labeled as a Snow Storms. If it was truly it's own thing I would think the founder would work extremely hard to keep it clean of any other Snows, but it now seems like the opposite is taking place. Sorry to get off topic a bit, I just love me some Mack Snow.


New Member
I personally don't agree with this with the exception of the LBS (Line Bred Snow). In fact even as long as the "morphs" have been around it is still heavily debated that the TUG and Gem Snows are just an extension of the Mack Snow gene because breeding either one back to a Mack can produce Super Snows. I don't work with anything other line of Snow other than the Mack so I don't have first hand experience on the subject. Makes sense to me considering the creator of the TUG is now selling Mack/TUG crosses labeled as a Snow Storms. If it was truly it's own thing I would think the founder would work extremely hard to keep it clean of any other Snows, but it now seems like the opposite is taking place. Sorry to get off topic a bit, I just love me some Mack Snow.

I guess I should not assume. I will ask a "noob question" to the breeder just to clarify that they are "mack". :)

And yeah, I have heard that they are mixing snows, but alot of people don't like mixing the genes because it creates a beautiful gecko that has "muddy genetics" shouldn't be bred unless the next generation (of unknown-type snow hatchlings) is "pet only".


New Member
South Carolina
I guess I should not assume. I will ask a "noob question" to the breeder just to clarify that they are "mack". :)

And yeah, I have heard that they are mixing snows, but alot of people don't like mixing the genes because it creates a beautiful gecko that has "muddy genetics" shouldn't be bred unless the next generation (of unknown-type snow hatchlings) is "pet only".

I am still on the fence with the mixing of the Snows. If they are proven to be there own thing and separate from one another genetically, then I think crossing should not be done and they should be treated like the Albino strains. On the other hand, if they are proved to be different versions of the same genetic trait.... then to me crossing them would be about the same thing as crossing lines of Tangerines. At this point, until more testing is done I will stick to working with only one type of Snow.

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