Proven Breeder RAPTOR up for grabs - REDUCED till 8/20/10!

Lake Worth, FL
This Raptor has AWESOME coloration to her...very soft hues and almost pastel-like colors... lots of lavender and pink on her. She was produced by Garrick Demeyer, and her offspring are nothing less than extraordinary! If you want to add top notch coloration to the offspring you produce this coming year, this is the girl for you!

Morph: RAPTOR (partial snake-eyes)
Sex: Female
Weight: 50 grams
Hatch Date: 5/09
Price: $100
Notes: VERY tame girl, loves being held! She has a few scars on her tail from an agressive breeder.



OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS: We can deliver to all HAMM, Germany Reptile Expos! Please Inquire!

Going to the Daytona Show and want to save on shipping?? I can deliver this or any other gecko listed for sale to the show!


*Live arrival guarantee!
*100% healthy and eating well!
*Shipping through UPS, for next day 10:30am delivery!
*See our "Terms" page for more details!
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