Ptyodactylus keepers?


New Member
Picked up a couple pairs of P. guttatus from a local petstore a few months back to kick off my foray back into the gecko world. Having kept them before Im a big fan of the genus, they seem alot rarer in the hobby these days though. Anyone else keeping these beauties or raggazi etc?


Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
I have only seen a limited amount of fan-fingered/toed geckos in the past YEAR! These are pretty hard to find these days, for sure and you are lucky to have found some. Kingsnake would be the best place to find some in my experience lately. Like I said in reponse to the hit on the reptie market post....its all about demand and since these are sorta rare at the moment that means they are valuable. Congrats on your pickup. I have not owned any personally but I know peole who do and they are pretty cool....


New Member
They are sweet geckos, kind of a pain being gluers but oh well. I was surprised to see them at our local "mom and pop" shop in the first place. Apparently they were imports, but in great condition. I have them nice and acclimated, just giving them a month or two before warming them up to them breeding. I'll have to post some pics when I get my digital camera into working order again.

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