Pure Nevis Tangerines


The Comeback Kid!
New Orleans, LA
~~~~Currently Available~~~~~~

136 - Nevis Tangerine Female 16g ......$75.00

137 - Nevis X Eclipse Male 18g ......$75.00

138 - Nevis Tangerine Female 16g ......$75.00

152 - Nevis Tangerine Male 20g......$75.00

~ Nevis Tangerines were a line of tangerines established in the 90's. These geckos parents were purchased from Nevis himself in 98 and the line was kept pure. Last year was the first year I crossed an eclipse to my Nevis male to make the male offered above. Everyone else is pure Nevis.~

Visa, MasterCard, Postal money orders, and Paypal excepted.

Shipping via Fedex usually runs $45-$65 for most orders. E-mail me your shipping address and I will get you a quote.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give us a call........we look forward to talking with you.

K&N Reptiles
Kevin and Nicole Elliser
(504) 813-1606
[email protected]

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