Question: 7days no food 5 days in humid hide


New Member
first I posted a thought question on this thread

next when I got my gecko the pet store did not have the digital prob thermometers so i purchased 2 stick on type to help guesstimate temps on the hot and cool sides. I know this is not the best but it was what I had available at the time. I have rectified this and have 2 digital prob thermometers and an ir temp sensor gun on the way.

Reading other threads some people said their geckos would stay in the humid hide 5-7 days before a shed. noticed in this mornings water change and hide moisture
check she seemed kinda grey is and pale in color.

quick rundown of all I have done
day 2 went from CFL to incandescent to get ambient floor temp up 5 degrees, she had BM and by day 3 was in the humid hide,
have offered food every day but day 4 . from day 5 on have had 2 wax worms and 5 giant meal-worms changed out every 24hrs in a dish.
day 5 moved humid hide to over small area of heat mat to keep her warm and not get sick.
have spritzed or soaked & squeezed the sphagnum moss in the humid hide.

in reference to other thread question is it her reflection?
could she be getting ready to shed and that plus move last weekend caused her to stop eating?
or am over paranoid for her not eating, or wanting to eat just yet?
should I start worrying?


New Member
About your leo:
- Sex : Female
- Age & Weight : approx 1 year(she was an escapee at petco for about 6 months. was found and placed in her own cage 3 months before I got her)
- How long have you owned your leo : one week
- Where was he/she obtained : Petco (the reptile person there owns leo's and other herps)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo: have been trying not to but about once a day when checking moisture level in humid hide
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now.: I do not know her normal routine and she has not been that active smoothing sand to track her movement
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe.: none that I know of except her escape

B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal): only 1 it was dark with solid white cap
- When was the last time he/she went July 3rd

C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on
I am not sure if it is a problem or I am just being paranoid. she has been in humid hide 5 days and not eaten in 7(food has been available at least once a day, last 3 days has had mealies and wax worms available 24hrs a day). not active at night. wondering if recent move and an on coming shed could be the cause?

A) Enclosure
- Size: 20L 30x12x12
- Type : glass tank
- Type of substrate Tile with sand layer (sand is burmed around tank UTH is covered by tile only)
- Hides, how many, what kind : 3 hides one on cool side a 3 tier mountain cutaway and her moist hide rock on hot side. humid hide was recently moved from center of tank
B) Heating
- Heat source : uth and 60 incandescent light(planning to go cfl)
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) ambient air above substrate is 90 on hot side and 80 on cool side with lights on
- Method of regulating heat source have not seen any temp spikes, prob thermometers are coming Tuesday
- What are you using to measure your temps stick on thermometers probs in route
- Do you have any lights (describe) an incandescent for photo cycle and heat. red for night viewing
C) Cage mates

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much) mealworms, wax worms, crickets 2-3 of each to no avail, have no knowledge of her eating habits in the store
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect) left in dish, tried to show her by hand and crickets roam free for an hour or 2 before I pull them out all else stays in cage over night
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands) Repashy Superfoods; Leopard Gecko calcium plus
- What are you gut loading food with crickets were loaded with carrot mealies and waxies did not know to load suggestions on keeping my feeders?


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
Sounds like it could be several things. Might be close to shedding which a lot of the time they'll stop eating. Second could be if female getting ready to lay eggs. Also it is completely normal for them to stop eating when introduced into a new environment. This can take up to a few months to a couple weeks to adjust. Generally a few weeks. If you have a window near by that would allow ambient light cycles for the room I would recommend no incandescent bulb. They'll often cause more stress then good.

Your temps sound good using a UTH. One thing I would do is ditch the sand just so many health issues can arise from impaction to eye problems all major concerns. Just stick with the tiles and paper towels on there cool side or potty spot they choose. Once in a routine they'll go to the bathroom generally in the same spot away from hides and most the time on the cool side. Oh be careful feeding the waxies they can get addicted to them and they dont offer a proper balanced diet. Dubia roaches, superworms, giant mealies in that order are the healthiest choices. Repashy is a superb product. A bowl of plain calcium without D3 is a good thing to have in the tank at all times. Everything else I read sounds really good.


New Member
ok I am switching off my white bulbs as there is a window next to the tank that gives outside light. I have my thermometer and a thermostat for the uth on its way and should be here tuesday. I hope that I have not over stressed her this last week with the brighter bulb.
The wax worms were/are an attempt to find something she would eat, would rather her eat some junk food atm then no food at all, but I am going to be patient and see how it goes.
Thank you for your help


New Member
Digital probes came in yesterday and installed into tank. Hot side is 90 on the tile, and 73 on the cool side.
is this fine or what can I do to bring this up?
are white cfl bulbs for the daytime and red cfl for night viewing ok or will that add stress?
and will a female lay eggs with no exposure to male geckos? she was housed individually when I got her from the store.


New Member
It is checked daily for moisture content. I am keeping an eye on her and will look up pictures of what egg laying females look like and compare.


New Member
she seems to be settling in. a few days ago I fed 2 crickets with some mealies and a wax she ate the 2 crickets. tonight I feed 7 crickets and she ate 5 within 20 minutes left the other 2 in there for about another 10 then pulled them out. I removed her humid hide to moisten it while she fed. plan to drop a few more crickets in there the day after her next poo

also removed sand, got ir temp gun and a thermostat, so temps are right they still top at 98 but typically read in the 90-94 range
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