Question on eggs


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
We have a friend who has a gravid female and has no incubator. We have an open NS incubator with no leo eggs coming for awhile since the season hasn't started and we have mostly juvies, and our BB female doesn't seem to be gravid.

I was wondering, what are the hatch temps and if Matt and I could get some basic knowledge on how to incubate the eggs. The guy said she'll lay roughly 25 eggs. We AREN'T keeping ANY. lol. No room and I don't want to spread what ever they have that's bad to our geckos. So, some info would help. Thanks!

The Sunset Gang

They should be incubated at 84-86 degrees. Beardies lay a ton of eggs though. I know I have heard as many as 30 eggs per clutch. this is a wonderful beardie site. The one precaution I would take is that most beardies have the adenovirus. It is a viral infection that is not known to be deadly, but most beardies have it no matter what. I just don't know if it is passed to leos. Good luck! PM me if you have more questions.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Yeah, it can be passed on. That's why I don't want is to keep any. Will the eggs carry the virus? And will it contaminate the incubator?

The Sunset Gang

I just read an article about this, literally just now. It says that this virus is passed from mother to offspring, yet they are unsure if it is passed through the ovaries or the stool passed through the cloaca. This is the article:
Therefore, I am guessing that it would in fact contaminate your incubator, yet I am unsure if leos can get the adenovirus. I think it would be risky to use the same incubator, but that is just my opinion.

The Sunset Gang

If you don't want to do really don't do it. It isn't worth risking leos over. Tell your friend to buy a hovabator or put them in a really warm place in their house.


I think that it would be better all around for your friend just to get a Hovabator for around $50 (including shipping) and incubate the eggs

Hovabators work great for Beardie eggs

Another alternative would e to make a homemade incubator with a styro cooler and a uth on a thermostat/rheostat
Beardie eggs are usually very easy to hatch out

I am not trying to be rude-but why don't they have plans of buying an incubator if they have a gravid female?

Also-as with most lizards-there will be more than one clutch of eggs and as was stated-clutches can be 30 eggs each
Clutch size can range from 10 to 30 plus eggs

Your friend has alot of work and hatchlings ahead
I hope that all goes well

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