Question on Gecko bathroom etiquette



I have two geckos. They are housed in a 20 gallon aquarium setup. When I first got them they were both using the same corner for elimination. So I promptly put down a paper towel to make clean up easier.

All was well until about two weeks ago. One of them pooped in the water dish. I cleaned the dish and it happened again. So I decided to remove the cool side hide and put the water dish there. I put paper towel in the new corner. So now I have paper towel in the two front corners.

I moved the water dish to the back left corner. Well now, I've found poop in the water again. Are they trying to tell me that my water tastes like crap. :)

No, seriously has anyone ever experienced this? So now it seems they are pooping in three corners. What can I do?



Seminole, FL
What sex are you Leos' ? Hopefully females.

both males and female tend to mark their territory with feces or phermones so the one pooping in the water my be being dominated and not want to leave a scent for the other to get angry with. I'd try separating them for a few days and see what happens. Or at the least take everything out, wash it with mild detergent and then bleach it (including the tank) then rinse and dry thoroughly (remember even bleach fumes can kill leos) this will remove all scent markings then see what happens.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
My leo poops in her water dish maybe 30% of the time. When I questioned it, a few people had said they experienced it as well and basically described what Michael just did. I didnt bleach the entire tank, but I did disinfect the water dish and it happened less after, but did not stop it.

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