Question re Breeding for Line Bred Traits


Westminster, Colorado
I have a question regarding line breeding vs. not line breeding. I've only bred for one season (two seasons ago - albino male with SHTCT females and then his poor unit prolapsed and now he's Double LY's family pet). I'm a collector who wants to breed very small-scale, and I am fascinated with genetics and am trying to learn as much as possible. My prior knowledge of genetics is just a high-school level understanding of human genetics, plus slightly more knowledge of horse color genetics.

In one thread (IIRC the subject question was regarding an albino male x a SHTCTB female), it was said that the male and female are bred together, then the best baby is bred with the mother, and the best resultant offspring from that mating are then bred with each other. I am functioning on the assumption that this is "line breeding."

What is the difference between doing that, and using two sets of a genetically similar pair (as unrelated as possible) to do essentially the same thing with? Breeding the best resulting offspring from Group A with the mom from Group B and vice-versa, and then the best offspring from Group A with the best offspring from Group B, and vice versa? Or, am I just so oblivious that this is how several people do it and I just haven't picked up on it yet?

I hope I'm not stepping any toes with this - I'm probably not up to par on etiquette in terms of asking these kinds of questions...I'm asking about this to find out how people view these two approaches, and also to see what other arenas of thought are out there with regard to line vs. out crossing. Thanks for reading, and in advance for any replies.


New Member
Central California
That would be a great way to do it, I think. :) It just requires more animals so that you can have unrelated individuals over several generations.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I 'line-breed', but do not 'inbreed'. I have nothing against the responsible breeding of offspring back to parents, as long as the bloodlines are not allowed to become too shallow by outcrossing every couple of generations.

First, you must decide which traits you would like to bring out in the geckos, and take the best offspring that exhibit that trait and breed them back to the parent that has the desired trait. Then, hold back the BEST offspring from that pairing, and so forth...

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