
New Member
Ok, so dont kill me.....but I got an Anole today and I was wondering if he could go into my planted setup with my 2 cresteds. the 2 cresteds and the anole are the same size and theres plenty of room...has anytried this?


New Member
Athens, GA
The problem is that anoles require much higher temps than cresteds, so I think the climate precludes combining the two. As for mixing species, it's really hard to get away with it unless you've got exceptionally large vivaria (ie. 60+ gallons).

Truth be told though, I've mixed and matched several species in a 30 gallon tank before with no ill effects, but that was when I was first starting out. I think that in most cases mixing species isn't as bad as people make it out to be (there's a lot of perfectionist attitudes that permeate a board like this, dunno if it's out of a pretense to look professional or not, but a lot of people won't admit they do things even if they do). However, when I mix species I try to choose species that don't overlap in terms of what kind of habitat they use. For example, if I had an arboreal species already in the tank, I'd only introduce a terrestrial species.

Long winded answer, but I hope this helps! Honestly, I think cresteds and anoles are a bad combo to begin with since cresteds get physiologically stressed at the temperatures required to keep anoles happy.


Dont do it temps are off between the two species...Sorry to sound blunt

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