Questions about my new Leo



Hey, I just got a Leopard Gecko last week, and had some questions. First off, I did some research before I got one, and have a pretty good idea of how to care for them.

The temps on the warm side are 87-95F. I have it set for 90, but either the heater, or the ceramic tile isn't distributing the heat evenly. So it fluctuates a little. Is this okay? On the cool side it's about 75. I have 2 red incandescent lights, but I only use one on the cool side to boost the air temp a little. If I used the other, I think the warm side would be a little too warm.

He's a juvenile and eats about 4-5 crickets a day. I gutload the crickets and dust them. I currently have him in a 10 gallon tank. I was going to buy a bigger one, but I don't think it's necessary considering he sleeps quite a bit and really isn't that active, at least for now. I do have a log and plants for him to climb on though, and a little ramp. I have 2 hides. One on the warm side, and one on the cool side. I don't have a "humid" hide. I just put paper towels in the warm hide and mist it when he turns white. He shed yesterday without any problems.

Would I be able to turn off the incandescent light at night? I think the cool side would drop to about 65 degrees at night. So usually I just keep it on. I know Leo's apparently can't see red, but I think they can.

I guess that's it. Just wanted to make sure I'm doing this right.



New Member
First put a humid hide in. Second you don't need the light.Uth(heat pad is all you need. Belly heat is better because it aids there digestion. Also what substrate are you using?


No problem.

Also... I'm dusting with T-Rex Dust. Some people say the D3 is okay, others not. I asked the guy at the pet store (who's had Leo's for several years) and he told me I don't need calcium in the tank unless I'm breeding a female.


New Member
You should keep a little cap of calcium in there at all times. That's what i do.I have a cap with normal calcium and the meal worm dish with a mix of normal and D3.


Seminole, FL
from what is sounds like you've done a good job.. I would definitely suggest adding a humid hide filled with cocoa fiber or peat. The ceramic can often conduct heat a bit.. and 95 is very high.. The red lights are best at night because Leo's cannot see the color red but they should be heat conducting. We use the low wattage party bulbs if we want to watch them. Your UTH should provide enough warmth on the belly to promote digestion. Remember you should be monitoring the floor heat not the air temperature. Also, they nocturnal so often won't be active during the day.

supplementation - Calcium with D3 is very good and dusting is also good. Just don't dust at every feeding because to much calcium can be toxic. Try every other feeding. As others said a dish of calcium should be left in the cage at all times. They will lick it up if they need more.


Michael do I have to have calcium in the tank? Or can I just dust with the T-Rex every other feeding like you said?


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
For all my geckos, I have a water bottle cap with calcium in for them. I also dust with pure calcium once a week. The other 6 days, I use Multi-Vitamin, like your T-Rex stuff. Hope this helps, best of luck with your Leopard Gecko, I can't wait to see pictures!


Bulldog said:
Michael do I have to have calcium in the tank? Or can I just dust with the T-Rex every other feeding like you said?

Have calcium powder avaliable to your leo AT ALL TIMES. Only dust the food every other feeding

You dont have to have a heat lamp...but you CAN have one if you want. I have a heat lamp (purple bulb) over my warm side at all times because the uth doesnt make it warm enough

Also, you dont have to have a humid hide all the time. Only when he is going to shed.

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