Questions about my upcoming Tokay set-up.



***I already posted this on accident on the Leopard Gecko housing forum so I thought I would just re-post it here just in case they don't get around to moving it for awhile.***

First off..I'm new here so hello! 8P

Ok, I'm about to buy a Tokay and am just about finished with the cage..I have some questions about it though. I read that heat rocks are a bad idea because Tokays don't spend much time on the ground and that they can overheat.
What do you guys think if I have it placed nice and sturdy high up on my drift wood branches? Also..The heating rock I have was pretty expensive and seems to be of very nice quality. (It also turns itself off once it hits a certain temp then resets when it cools to a certain point.) I also have a small Zoo Med Mini Repti-Therm UTH Under Tank Heater at the bottom of the tank coming in the mail. Do you think the two heat sources I have will keep a vertical 20 gallon tank around 85 degrees? Also, Do you this that this is an adequate sized tank for a Tokay? I read that you can keep one in a 10-20 gallon tank, But I just want some more opinions on this seeing they get so big.

I'll just list all the stuff I have in it and coming at the moment also so you folks can tell me if I need anything else.
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Two large pieces of tangled up drift wood.

Zoo Med Mini Repti-Therm UTH Under Tank Heater.

Zoo Med Fir Tree Repti bark substrate.

Exo Terro Thermo controlled heat rock.

Fluker's Digital Display Thermo-Hygrometer.

Zoo Med Repti Rapids Waterfall. *Will this keep the humidity up enough you think?*
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For my Tokays health I bought some of the following..

Natural Chemistry Healthy Habitat spray.

Fluker's Liquid Vitamin Electrolyte Spray Formula.

Tetra Terrafauna Reptocal Reptile Supplement.

Zoo Med ReptiSafe Instant Terrarium Water Conditioner.
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