Questions for the other Uro owners


Just some random questions for you guys :)

Rex is always trying to scale the wall. As you can imagine, it doesn't work out well for him. He's been doing it since the day we brought him home, several years ago. Is there some way to prevent this? What are the causes behind it?

I've got his heating pad on the opposite side as his heat lamp, with his cave over top. This is mainly because in the winter months, it can take hours for the tank to heat up enough for him to be warm enough to come out. Since its currently pretty warm in the house, about 78 when its warm outside, should I switch the lamp and cave, so that the lamp is with the heating pad (or elsewhere) and the cave is on the cool side? Since applying the heating pad, he's preferred to sleep on a large mound of sand outside of the cave (with his head resting on the edge of the cave as a pillow) for most of the night, usually only retreating into the cave when he wants to be curled up, or when spooked.

And about his nails... He was on play sand, but it wasn't wearing his nails down very well. He's now on multi-purpose sand, with a larger grain size, and that still doesn't seem to help. He hates to be handled, so I'd like for physical nail cutting to be a last resort. I was thinking, maybe a DIY background, with ledges and places to climb and play, coated in grout (or what else?) would help wear his nails down. They aren't horrible, but they are pretty long.

When offering spinach (I try not to very often, but I bought him some salad and they were out of the spring mix, so I got him 1/2 and 1/2, spring mix and spinach), should I be dusting with his calcium? I usually dust daily, but when spinach is involved, I dust more like 1-2 times a week. I'll admit to not fully understanding the whole spinach thing, so I could be wrong in my dusting habits when its involved.

Last one for now, I've got him on sand, obviously. He loves being able to dig out his sleeping spot in his cave, and loves to show his disapprovement at things (like food he doesn't want) by kicking the sand around, and just over all loves to play in it. However, its dusty, annoying to clean, gets everywhere (the brat flings it all over. We have to wipe the screen and lights off constantly), and so on. But I hate to take it away from him. Could I, say, make a raised floor or tile, and in a recess, keep a "sand box" and keep his cave over that, or something along those lines? I could use a small hand brush to sweep any escaped sand back into where it goes. Do you think that would work? Would the space under the raised floor stay heated enough from the heating pad to keep the tile at a good temp?

Heres a picture of his current set up. 40 breeder, 36 inch 10.0 ReptiSun UV, 150 watt heat lamp, large ZooMed UTH on the left side. I change the stuff on the right every time I clean the tank. And that sand was flat and clean yesterday -_-

And here's the trouble maker himself :) (you can see his nails are kind of long)



New Member
NE Ohio
I had a uro years ago. I'd love to have one again. They are too stinking cute! To be honest, I've never seen a uro that didn't climb the walls. I think it's pretty typical behavior for them. As for substrate, I know a lot of uro people use plain birdseed for substrate. Maybe you could look into that?


They really are loads of fun! When mom bought me Rex he was like $200. Now, 4 years later, they are going for a whopping $40 -_- I guess they are being more available now. But I wouldn't change having him for the world. Sure he hates to be held, but he's still interactive and I can hand feed him and whatever. Its funny to watch him peek over one his climbs and watch some body walk through the house like they're the most interesting thing he's ever seen in his entire life LOL He also watches TV :p

At least I'm not the only one with a crazy nut who thinks its a sticky-toed gecko! All my animals are crazy, so I just chalked it up to that lol I guess as he gets older and lazier, it'll slow down some. He also likes to try and tunnel out, which doesn't work out too well for him either.

I don't really like the seed idea. I mean, he poops soooo much (like, I don't know where it all comes from!). It just doesn't seem hygienic, you know? Plus I feel like it wouldn't look very good. His tank is right in the living room. Its on of the first things you see walking in the door. I have heard of many people doing this though.


New Member
NE Ohio
I wonder if you could use aspen shaving for a uro. I mean, it holds burrows well and I would think he would like that. Captive bred uro's are not only $40 nowadays...that would be a wild caught. A cb uro would be closer to $100 I would think. Like I said, I'd love to have another.


That's an interesting thought-- aspen shavings. I'll have to look into that.

Why would wild caught be less expensive than captive bred? I wouldn't think it's really that's hard to breed them. Wild caught you have to all the paperwork and licensing to catch them and ship them over seas and whatnot. But I know some breeders pay top dollar to have first pick of wild caught specimens, so maybe that's it...? Anyways, shows around here have them for $40-60 for Mali's, like Rex, and reds and yellows.


I agree. So many wild caught animals (any animal!) have parasites, won't eat, etc. But, you gotta start somewhere, as well as add new blood to the lines every now and then.

Back on the sand subject, do they do ok with no sand at all? Like just tile or slate?


What if, I built a hide out of tile and 2x4, make it like a box, and the top would have an opening, and the thing was filled with sand? That way he could dig out his sleeping space, and I don't have to clean so much? Lol Kind of an interesting idea. Use a hand brush and a dust pan to put any escaped sand back...

Also, do these guys need wet hides? He's never had one, but I've recently been seeing it around that they do... I've always read no water in the tank, as it'll raise the humidity!


So I found some slate tile I really love. I plan to line all three of my tanks with it.

In addition to my previous questions (someone's gotta know somethin'!), should I use a small layer of sand under the tile? Would that help the distribution of heat at all? Or would it not make any difference?

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