Questions from a prospective owner


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
Hi, I'm doing the legwork necessary to start preparing an enclosure for my first snake--a ball python. I already own a leopard gecko and after a lot of thought decided I would love a snake as well. :)

Even after reading a LOT of caresheets, I'm confused on a few things: are UTHs sufficient for heating a ball, or will I need to use them in conjunction with a ceramic heat emitter? (I live in Georgia and my house is usually in the mid-70's, if that makes a difference.)

Also, if I'm reading this correctly, I need to purchase two UTHes, place one on one side of the tank and keep it as the hot spot (~90), and a second for the other side, and keep that one at a slightly cooler temperature (80-85). Is this correct?

Secondly, what is the most economical and quality choice for purchasing frozen feeders? I will only have one snake, so getting 100 frozen mice/rats at a time seems like an awful lot, I don't want them sitting in my freezer forever. And I've decided I will NOT be feeding live, so please don't suggest that as an option. :main_thumbsup:

Finally, how long do the feeding tongs need to be to ensure my snake won't accidentally tag me? Is, say, 10" long enough?

Thank you!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Watch out for these little guys. They are horribly addicting. (I started with one and now have 12)
Okay, a couple questions that may help you get a more concise answer:
How big of a tank are you using?
How big is the ball python you are looking into getting?

A UTH is a great idea with a bp, but depending on the size of your enclosure, you may only need one. The biggie with bps is humidity. If it isn't humid enough, they get sick. Keep the humidity at 60-70% and all should be well.

As for feeders, I buy in bulk from Big Cheese Rodent Factory, but then again, I'm feeding 20+ snakes every week. I've heard alot of good stuff about RodentPro. And most PetCos have frozen rodents, single and 3 packs, for if you just want a few to keep on hand. (Sometimes they thaw out and are kinda squishy, though.)

There are TONS of ball python people here and any of us will be more than willing to lend a hand with the care of these awesome guys. Welcome to a new addiction. :p


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
Thank you so much for your reply!

I also keep fancy goldfish but have moved them all to a much larger tank, so I actually have an empty 10 gallon, 20 gallon long and 30 gallon long aquarium on hand, with the 30 long planned for the snake's adult home. I've read that the babies prefer smaller enclosures, so it wouldn't be any trouble starting off in a smaller tank and moving to a larger, if that's something you'd suggest. Is there a way to transfer UTHes to a larger enclosure? The packaging says not to, but then again these are the same companies that make "packaged diets" for iguanas and dried crickets for leos, so I've developed a bit of a general distrust toward them... :beadyeyes2:

As for snake size...I'm not really sure? I plan on buying from, they currently have a large selection of baby balls that range in size from 300-1100 grams. I won't be ordering my snake for at least a month or so (but don't want to wait longer than early June at the latest, due to the heat), but I'm sure they could accommodate whatever size I'm looking for. What would you recommend? What's the best age/size to start with?

The humidity: I know of two things I'm going to try, to start with, first using bed-a-beast type bedding (NOT pine) as I've heard it'll hold moisture better than paper towels or newspaper, and secondly, using plexiglass with the screen top. If those two measures, along with misting and keeping a water dish in with snakey don't keep it high enough, what else could I try? Has anyone ever tried using a room humidifier? My cat has asthma and I've considered getting one for him, if nothing else. It would probably help with my allergies as well. :)

Yep, rodentpro is the feeder source I've been contemplating. I wish I could find another herper in the Athens, Ga. area so we could split an order of feeders...I'm not sure I could even fit 100 frozen rats in my freezer. I wouldn't be against getting a mini-freezer if I could find one cheaply, but it seems like overkill for just one snake (and I really do have to keep it to just one, lol!) Maybe I should try craigslist. Or do you know of any herpers in the area? The Atlanta Reptile Show is only 40 miles away from me, there HAVE to be reptile fans hiding under the rocks SOMEWHERE around here. :D


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
Forgot to mention--I read that balls can get nervous because aquariums have see-through sides. Some fishkeepers paint the backs of their tanks black (on the outside, of course!) for aesthetic reasons, and I'm wondering if I might do the same, and paint the sides while I'm at it. It'd be a lot easier than messing with backgrounds. But would it be safe to do this, if I did it like a month in advance, and let it dry? Maybe if I sealed it and then washed it well, too? Or would it just be too dangerous?


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
ooh, you gotta watch out for those reptile shows. I have a bad habit of coming home with an empty pocket book and lots of pillowcases, complete with long-winded stories to hubby about why I just HAD to get them. :p
(For the record; Partners don't believe the "They were giving away free snakes with the purchase of a pillowcase" defense.)

Size wise, I believe its 456 grams to a pound, so 300 grams is around that 3/4 pound mark, probably close to a yearling, while 1100 grams is almost a 3 pound snake, which in bp terms is practically full grown. What size you want is completely up to you, but, personally, above all else, I recommend making sure your animal is a captive bred animal. Wild caughts and captive hatches can come with alot of problems and enormous vet bills. You'll pay a little more for the snake, but it'll be better in the long run.

Which ever of your tanks you want to use will be fine. The big thing with bps is they like tight, secure feeling sleeping spots. You can put 3 or 4 hides in that enclosure and chances are your bp is going to sleep under the waterdish. :main_rolleyes:
Being nocturnal, your little guy will come out and cruise the tank half the night. Thats the best time to handle them IMO because they are wanting the interaction. They are also not the most intellegent yet curious little buggers and if you don't watch them close, you'll spend 3 hours fishing them out of the sofa. (Found out the hard way)

Bed a Beast is WONDERFUL to keep the humidity up. Mist it daily and rewet when needed. If you have a screen top, you can even just cover it partially with something like Glad Press-n-Seal and it works great.

Now, say if you used your 30 gallon from the get-go, I would recommend putting your UTH on one side with a nice, dark and snug hide or the water dish over the top of the uth and a basking area on the other side of the tank where it won't get too hot, but your guy can take in some top heat.
Now, once you get your little guy, his or her personality may totally shoot all this "ideal enclosure" stuff right in the foot. The main thing is keep him warm and keep the humidity where he needs it. Long as you have those 2 components, the rest is easy.

Hey, if you're going to a reptile show, check around there and see who has captive bred baby bps! :main_thumbsup:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I painted the back of my 55 gallon with regular old acrylic craft paint from WalMart and it works just fine. Dries in no time and since its on the back side of the tank, no contamination risk.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Oh, and 10 inch tong work great. Just make sure the rodent is warmer than your hand. (Again, learned the hard way)
Rodents usually run 101 to 104 degrees. If your rodent is less than the temperature of your hand, your python can and will launch itself past the rat to get your hand. :main_yes:

Sorry about the triple post...


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
Great! Will definitely paint it, then. So it'll be one UTH and one heat emitter. What type of bulb is best? I was thinking ceramic but yours looks like a regular kind of heating bulb? (LOVE your setup, by the way!)

And yes, I will DEFINITELY be buying captive bred.

I know what you mean about their personalities, my leo decided she didn't like any of her hides and spent the winter months hiding under her paper towels instead. It took me that long to realize there's a particular place on her UTH she likes and once I moved a hide to cover that spot, now she's stopped the burrowing and hangs out in that hide most of the time. D'oh, definitely a case of stupid owner. :D

Hehe, I also have a 55 gallon with fancy goldies, a leo, a betta and a cat, one snake is all I can handle on top of the rest! My apartment is not THAT big. :main_laugh:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
My house apparently loves the taste of expensive reptile bulbs. Every time I put one in, it blows out within a week. So I just use anywhere between 40 and 75 watt light bulbs, depending on the enclosure. Usually that one has a 75 watt on one side and a 40 on the other. The 2 boys have been sleeping under the water dish, even though there are numerous hiding spots all over the place.

One of my female bps rearranges her enclosure if she doesn't approve of my furnishings placement. :main_rolleyes:
Gotta love their personalities!

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