questions on albino


New Member
guys i got few noob questions here,just to clear some of my doubts ;

1. When people talking about the normal albino, is it refering to tremper albino?
2. Is every gecko carry the name tremper means that they are albino?like jungle tremper and jungle enigma..
3. OK, i got a SHTCT het bell (male) and i wanna pair it with female sunglow. i am able to get a bell sunglow within 4 generation?

thanks in advance


New Member
1. Generally when talking about normal albinos people are referring to trempers.
2. Yes if tremper is in the name then it should be a tremper albino. Jungle doesn't mean tremper though, so in the case of the name Jungle Enigma that does not mean that it is tremper.
3. Sunglows is a name referring to trempers, bell hybino is the term they use for the bell equivalent. So from this pairing you would be mixing the two strains of albino and make possible double hets for two types of albinos which can get messy and is discouraged. To start the bell hybino project I would suggest replacing the sunglow female with a female bell hybino. Here is the link to some on leopard gecko wiki: Good luck with your project :D

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