Questions regarding sex(of leos)DU warning



I have two leos and I was told when we bought them that they were both female. Based on some pics here I have started to doubt that but I don't trust myself enough to believe I have the sex right. For what I think are obvious reasons I really need to know the sex. Thanks you so much the first two pics are the albino. The second are the normal. Also any comments on the two large white spots on the belly of the normal would be great! Thanks
Lorretta Robinson
Mom at the Robinson Zoo
2 Corn snakes * Mozart & Oak*
2 leopard Geckos * Blinky & Linky*
1 Yellow Belly Turtle * Harry*
1 Red eared Slider * Gunslinger*
1 Bearded Dragon * Stella*
1 Black Lab * Gwen*
1 Golden Retriever * Titan*
1 Black cat * Jade*
4 Humans * Derek, Lorretta, Michael & David*

gko reptiles

A New Generation
The pictures are too blurry to tell. Based on the pictures here, they do look female because you cannot see the bulges at the base of her tail, but this isn't a SURE way to tell if they are male or female. Try putting her in a perfectly clear container or some sort (glass perhaps?) and take the pictures from the bottom, a little closer, or zoom in on your digital camera if you can. Also, if you want to get the equpiment to sex them yourself, you can buy a photographers loupe off of eBay for fairly cheap. Also, the white spots on her belly look like fat deposits, which is normal for leos.


I'm no expert at sexing leo's but I say female, looks alot like my own but the pics are blurry.

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