quick question


Senior Member
I resently got a question from a canadian asking if I could ship there (I live in the US ) would I have to obtain any permits and would it be legal and what companys could i use ? thanks

Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
Don't quote me on this since I looked into it a while ago and decided to just not deal with the hassles... but:
I think you need an Export License ($100?), and then you may also pay for every shipment going over the border. Shipping has to be done through an authorized port, and you also have to include a declaration form. This is in addition to any shipping laws, laws your state/county/city may have, as well as Canadian law.

I was confused by all the crap when I considered doing it so I just gave up and said lower 48 only. Makes my life easier.

See http://www.fws.gov/le/ImpExp/CommWildlifeImportExport.htm for more info
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I tell them if they're close to the US border I can ship to somewhere in the US for them to drive across and pick up. Then THEY can deal with the hassels.

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