I was checking out Ron Tremper web page for anything new when I came across R.E.R.S.(Red-Eyed Reverse Stripe)http://www.leopardgecko.com/Hamm2006.html. They look like Kelli's Weird Pink Stripe Raptor (http://www.geckoforums.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=141&cat=2).They don't have that intense color that Kelli's W.P.S.P(weird pink stripe raptor) has. I was wondering if anyone has checked them out also and how would you get them. Do you breed a Raptor to striped tremper or a Raptor to a reverse striped...or Raptor with a :main_huh: :wall: Just when I was kind of getting used to the who APTOR/RAPTOR and the conspiracy :main_robin: with wich came first.