Rack size question...opinions greatly appreciated!


New Member
Hi! I have a rack that I am going to build (custom) and I was wondering what size tubs I should use for some crestie hatchlings. If I were to house them all individually, could I use a six quart tub? I am pretty much following the rack building sticky by Nevinm. Need some oppinions, thanks!


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I keep young babies in the 6qt in pairs for several months before moving them up into something larger, frees up some space when you consider last year I had 50-60 hatchlings and this year I will have more! But the 6qt will work fine for single hatchlings also, and they stack nicely which makes things easier. One thing I would suggest doing, instead of poking alot of holes in the sides, I would consider cutting a larger hole in the front, like 4" x 3", this will make spraying them down easier, more air flow, and allow for more drying out as I personally have found with just a bunch of holes in it they dont dry out at all, stay wet and grow mold alot more quickly then if you cut a larger hole then hot glue some screen to the front.

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