Rack Systems?


New Member
South Carolina
What are the best rack systems out there! I am looking for a good rack system to hold juries/adults along with hatchlings and eggs. I am just starting my collection with 1 gecko and plan to breed it soon, so I would like a nice rack system for it. Also, I have been wondering how to integrate the UTH in each little section of the rack... Also what do I out in each drawer/gecko habitat and what about breeding? Thanks to anyone who can help!! I am on a $300 budget also. Actually make that $200 - my iPad won't let me backspace and correct that for some reason lol.mthanks again!


New Member
If you are on a budget, take a look at animalplastics.com's economy line. They should have product offerings for the budget you have. They already come with flexwatt belly heat, so all you really need is to purchase a good thermostat, and you're set.


New Member
South Carolina
I was looking at those also, but I also found this one... Plastic Reptile Cages, Tanks and Racks. Snake, arboreal, lizard and turtle light weight custom flexwatt heated enclosures. But I'm not sure which one would be better. I think I would like the animal plastics one because the racks have different sized contai ers, but you have to buy the containers separately plus they have a shipping charge unlike boaphile plastics which include the containers with free shipping, but for almost $60 more...I guess either way I would still need to get a thermostat - I have a gardening heat mat thermostat I got from amazon for $40 but I don't know if I can use it for this application...kind of torn here! Any help?


New Member
I use boaphileplastics racks, I love them. But I think since you are on a tight budget, you'll get better deals from AP.

As for thermostats, look to get a spyder robotics herpstat, it's a proportional thermostat. You'll want something good for your rack system.


New Member
I use animal plastic and cserpent racks. Why do you want the heat cable? I found that heat cable sucks compared to heat tape. A lot less heat and a small surface area it heats. The animal plastic economy line is designed to be used in a heated room. If your reptile room gets cold in the winter, you will want to go with their normal line. Also, I would recommend a herpstat over the cheap thermostat(probably a hydro farm?) the herpstat is way more consistent, hike the cheaper thermostats vary several degrees


New Member
South Carolina
Okay, first of all, no, the racks will not go in a heated room, so I guess I can't go with AP's economy line. But, if I get boaphile's rack that I link, is it good enough to house 2 adult geckos, plus the egg laying box once I am ready to breed them in one tub? Also I will use it for the hatchlings. I also am looking for a good cheap incubator. I like the Hova Bator ones Sasobek uses...I'm not sure what to do. I really like the boaphile rack but I'm not sure if it is big enough! Also, does anyone know it's overall dimensions?


New Member
No those 6qt shoeboxes aren't big enough for adults. They're good for hatchlings and juvies a few months old. But once they grow older they need to be in at least a 15qt or 32qt. As for the dimension of that rhinoraxx, they list it further down that page. If you are dead set on boaphile's racks, the smallest you want to go with your adults are these: http://www.boaphileplastics.com/rhinoraxx_8_sweater-rubbermaid.html

But then like I said, if you are on a tight budget, you simply can get more with AP's racks, such as these: http://animalplastics.com/Sterilite/1754.htm

I love rhinoraxx's quality, but I wouldn't recommend them for people on a tight budget. You get more bin space with AP racks for roughly the same amount price paid compared to boaphile.


New Member
South Carolina
Okay, so if you just had 2 adult gecko ready to breed, and you want to use the same rack for the hatchlings and juvies then what would you get? I am so confused with all of their different racks and sizes! I also have an extra normal leo that will be housed in it also. Also, couldnt you just take out the partitions in the boaphile 10 shoe box rack to make each shelf be able to hold a larger quart tub?


New Member
No the shoebox rhinraxx is a perfect fit for the 6qt shoeboxes, they won't fit any other sizes. For your situation I would go with Animal Plastics Sterilite Juvenile/Hatchling Racks, that way you have the option of using 15qt or 32qt. If you must go with boaphile, you would have to go with at least rubbermaid sweater boxes, those are 15qt wide bins and they work very well.


New Member
United States
On a budget, I would just build your own. There are millions of DIY racks out there and you can't get any more custom than that. You can make shelves for 6qts, 15qts, etc. And you can order flexwatt from Reptile Basics and they will assemble it exactly how you need it for free if you provide the measurements

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