a radar is a bell eclipse, visual morph of both traits. if you breed an eclipse to a bell albino, the babies will be double het radar...meaning they are het for both bell albino and eclipse, unless one or both of the animals are het for either of the traits, then you should get a visual morph in the first generation....hope that didnt confuse you, if it did, let me know and i will break it down more specifically for you.
ok i understand.. basically breed bell albino to an eclipse and get hets..breed the two hets together together and get radars?.....also this is one of the things i dont understand...can i breed the two together because i get some "its okays" and others say "dont breed a brother and sister together"...so im confused..
You can breed the brothers and sisters together, but try to outcross by the third generation. Het RADAR x het RADAR isn't as simple as getting just RADAR's. It would be a 1/16 chance of getting RADARs.
if you breed a bell albino het eclipse x eclipse het bell=about half the babies should be radars
or het bell and eclipse x het bell and eclipse= radar but you will have less percentages to produce one...you could produce one in a few different manners as long as both parents are carrying both genes, either homozygous(visible) or heterozygous(gene carrier but not visible) forms of the genes...