Rant Rant Rant!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I saw a 3.5-4' iguana for sale today for $19.99, yes it was marked correctly. It was being housed in a 20 long. I know they had to have taken this guy in as they never have something that big in their store. The place was swamped so I couldn't get a minute with the manager, but will call her tomorrow. This is not a replite place by any means, but they do take very good care of the herps they get in. I'm sure this is just temp houseing, but the poor thing couldn't even stretch out all the way.

Hopefully someone will buy him that knows how to care for him, and not just cause the price is right.


New Member
Poor Thing! I agree that it is probably temp housing but I'm sure they could have done better then a 20 gallon tank. I mean, if they are a pet store they probably sell those big dog crates or something similar would be more appropriate. I hope someone who knows what they are doing buys him. Iguanas are very high maintenance.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I called and left a message for her. I wish she would raise the price. This way it wouldn't be such an impulse buy and actually be someone that can care for him properly.


New Member
If he was a drop off Which I assume is wat happened. I would try to convince them to send him to a rescue if he does not get sold soon. If he is a drop off they would not be loosing money so they might go for it.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
brandy101010 said:
If he was a drop off Which I assume is wat happened. I would try to convince them to send him to a rescue if he does not get sold soon. If he is a drop off they would not be loosing money so they might go for it.

Are you available? LOL ;)


New Member
BalloonzForU said:
Are you available? LOL ;)

lol! I don't rescue Iguanas anymore because I don't have the room for one and for two it is always so hard to find good homes for them. At one time I had five. It took me forever to find homes for 3 of them. I ended up keeping two because I feel in love with them and one had severe MBD. sadly she recently passed away. I had her for a long time and she was full grown when I got her. So assume it was old age since she was pretty healthy at the time she passed with the exception of going on a hunger strike. I loved her to death and miss her every day. Iguana rescues always seemed to have a problem when I took them to the vet for checkups and ended up costing me a fortune. If money and space were no object I would still rescue every animal in need. But I quickly found out That it is too easy to get over your head in more then you can handle when rescuing animals. I even had people leaving animals on my door step!

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