Hey everybody,
First time poster to the forums. I've recently rescued an enigma from a local pet store (hardly noticeable symptoms). He was in pretty sad condition when I got him, skinny tail, shed on his head and toes, no humid hide in sight. The first picture is a couple of days after I got him. I had a chance to remove all the shed and let him acclimate to his new tank. He did end up losing a toe on his front and back left feet however.
The second picture is of him about a week ago. As you can see he is doing a lot better and has bulked up quite a bit. The one problem I'm having is he absolutely refuses to use his humid hide. I've tried everything I could think of. I've used paper towels, sphagnum (sp?) moss, and now coco fiber. I've moved it from the warm side to the middle (not the cold side though) of his tank. I've tried to make it darker by covering the sides. I've switched out humid hides. Things just aren't working. He's shed twice since I've gotten him and both times he's refused to use his humid hide. In the end I've had to give him a 15 minute soak in warm water and manually remove the shed from his toes.
Anybody have any other suggestions? I'm running out of options. Don't get me wrong, if he doesn't use the humid hides I will still manually remove his shed. I would just feel more comfortable if he could do it on his own.
And to answer everybody's question, yes I've had a leopard gecko before. It's been about a year, but I had my first gecko for 8 years before he passed last year. It's taken me this long to get over it and bring myself to get another.
First time poster to the forums. I've recently rescued an enigma from a local pet store (hardly noticeable symptoms). He was in pretty sad condition when I got him, skinny tail, shed on his head and toes, no humid hide in sight. The first picture is a couple of days after I got him. I had a chance to remove all the shed and let him acclimate to his new tank. He did end up losing a toe on his front and back left feet however.
The second picture is of him about a week ago. As you can see he is doing a lot better and has bulked up quite a bit. The one problem I'm having is he absolutely refuses to use his humid hide. I've tried everything I could think of. I've used paper towels, sphagnum (sp?) moss, and now coco fiber. I've moved it from the warm side to the middle (not the cold side though) of his tank. I've tried to make it darker by covering the sides. I've switched out humid hides. Things just aren't working. He's shed twice since I've gotten him and both times he's refused to use his humid hide. In the end I've had to give him a 15 minute soak in warm water and manually remove the shed from his toes.
Anybody have any other suggestions? I'm running out of options. Don't get me wrong, if he doesn't use the humid hides I will still manually remove his shed. I would just feel more comfortable if he could do it on his own.
And to answer everybody's question, yes I've had a leopard gecko before. It's been about a year, but I had my first gecko for 8 years before he passed last year. It's taken me this long to get over it and bring myself to get another.