I got a fair start from West Coast Roaches. Watch their facebook auctions nightly and you can get really good deals. Also went to a reptile show and picked up a starter pack with 15 females/5 males ready to go for $15 and then got 2 packs of 200 small dubias for $25 so I count that as a steal.
They sell clean up crews which make maintainence super easy. I just clean out monthly. There were some clean up beetles in the packs I bought at the reptile show so I didn't have to purchase separately. I switched to Dubias 3 weeks ago and my gecks are looking better already!!!
You can get them anywhere for the same price to be honest. My advice, buy a good amount and start breeding them. You will thank yourself that you did and you will save lot's of $$$$$. If you have a lot, you could sell them too. Clean up is nothing... Very easy actually!
Westcoastroaches has small dubia starter colonys in stock atm! Theyve been sold out every time ive looked on there site. Just ordered it. Hopefully everything goes well. Ive ordered from dubideli.com and had pretty good results.