i traded them to a friend and i think they stressed too much. within a week the female had passed, and about 2 weeks later the male passed. the female could have been egg bound, but not sure. and no telling what happened to the male. nothing was changed except the water in their tank. they are very easily stressed and most of the WC imports don't live very long. i had this pair of mine for over a year and only got 2 eggs, one being infertile. the second one hatched but the baby only lived for a couple of days. they are very cool reptiles though.
Ah okay. 3 x you can guess what my pair is, they're both WC's.
The male I only have because, so called, the female layed too many
eggs because of him, and died.
First animal of these, a male, was shipped, and arrived here dead... :main_thumbsdown:
The male is about 23 cm, the female smaller.
Good to compare with leopard geckos, my pair has the
same body volume / size like this geckos!
Btw, I have a good compare picture:
(in box male, and female [has a healthy weight and vitamin powder from crickets on tail)