red headed agamas anyone?



I'm getting a trio in two days to add to my collection- I absolutely love the coloration on the males. It was a toss up between this and a euro or going back to jacksons chameleons- wanted something that was lower maintenance.


I'm getting them from the reptile depot... they come in tomorrow. Unfortunately they are wild caught. I'm hoping to get some captive bred specimens in a couple of years from them.


We actually had a pair of Red headed agamas. The males are very colorful. That was the whole reason why I got them in the first place. The female was actually pregnant. Unfortunately, there is not alot of information on them. When I bought them, it was an impulse buy obviously. We fed them crickets. Like I said, there is not a whole hell of a lot of info on them. I gave them away last year to someone else. They were obviously wild caught and did not like to be handled at all. The girl let me hold her once in awhile. The male fought tooth and nail everytime we tried to handle him. I don't know if any of this info has or will help at all. Oh, when we brought the female to the vet, they knew nothing about red headed agamas, it was all guess work!!! They did an x-ray and found eggs, but couldn't tell how far along she was. They said if she didn't lay soon, they would have to open her up. And that would have cost $500, not knowing if she would make it because of the fact that they knew nothing about them. I could not take that chance, nor could I afford to. Call around to your local vets and see if they know anything about them. That's about all the info that I can give you. Hope it helps.


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