red mark on belly....please help!


New Member
Long beach
My oldest female leo (who is 4 almost 5) seems to have developed a strange thing possibly in her body. She is paired with another female leo and has never been near a male leo in her life though it seems to be an egg in her belly. I just noticed it after she shed, when i was surveying her to make sure there was no excess shed on her, i felt her stomach carefully after seeing it and it wasn't lumpy in the area and i couldn't feel it. I also know that females can produce non-fertilized eggs but the thing that doesn't make it seem like an egg is because there is only one, and instead of being right above her reproductive parts it is more near the middle section of her body. Should i be worried about this or not please help!:main_huh:


Ridgewood, NJ
Like Savvy said, it sounds like ovulation. Just like female humans, chickens, horses, dogs, kangaroos etc. geckos ovulate whether they are near a male or not. If they don't mate with a male then the ovulations normally just go away. You might be able to see human ovulations too if we were smaller and had thinner skin...haha. If that's what it is there's nothing to worry about.

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