Hi, I have a 7 month old with a red spot on the corner of its mouth as shown on the picture. It started a couple of weeks a go and is getting bigger. She seems to be otherwise healthy. She eats well (4 crickets a day) and is active. Should I be concerned about this spot?
If its a wound I would be seriously worried and get him to a vet ASAP! If its growing it could indicate an infection of some sort that could eventually kill your gecko if not controlled.
Definitely should see a vet. A person a while ago posted on here that their gecko had a red spot near its mouth that looked similar. It ended up being an abscess due to a vitamin A deficiency, so I would discuss that possibility with a vet. It also could be an infection like Dr. CarrotTail said, which absolutely needs veterinary attention. I'd also recommend removing the aspen bedding, as that is dangerous if accidentally ingested.
I agre with maggot and ozy. change aspen, check your vits have vit A and keep cage clean and vet asap. you could also try jently cleaning it with some warm water.