6 of my Leo's are 10-12 months old. Of the 6, 3 of them are gravid females. I was feeding them every day and removing uneaten crickets an hour after putting them in.
The males and 1 ungravid female never came out of the hide, but would eat a few as they came in the hide. They also were very inactive, even at night.
The 3 gravid females have unpredictable appetites...they are either hunting or completely off-feed for 5-7days at a time.
I reduced to feeding every OTHER day (1 nonfeed day gap). Now they all, except the 1 ungravid regen-tail female, are ALOT more active. These 5 are roaming about every 30 minutes even during the day or night.
Is this roaming and increased activity actually a sign of them being hungry (browsing/hunting for food that isn't there)? Or is it a sign that they aren't stuffed and sleeping all the time as if they just finished Thanksgiving dinner?? I like seeing them more often, but I wanted to make sure that they are old enough to feed every 48hours.
The males and 1 ungravid female never came out of the hide, but would eat a few as they came in the hide. They also were very inactive, even at night.
The 3 gravid females have unpredictable appetites...they are either hunting or completely off-feed for 5-7days at a time.
I reduced to feeding every OTHER day (1 nonfeed day gap). Now they all, except the 1 ungravid regen-tail female, are ALOT more active. These 5 are roaming about every 30 minutes even during the day or night.
Is this roaming and increased activity actually a sign of them being hungry (browsing/hunting for food that isn't there)? Or is it a sign that they aren't stuffed and sleeping all the time as if they just finished Thanksgiving dinner?? I like seeing them more often, but I wanted to make sure that they are old enough to feed every 48hours.