Reflection affecting feeding

I like to take Oliver's things out before I feed him so he will hunt around for crickets instead of going to sleep on the heat mat.
Today when I went to feed, I dropped some very active crickets (from a local private reptile place) into the tank and he looked around for a while and I think ate one cricket but when I came back to the tank I saw him staring at his reflection and actually striked at it. Now all he does is stare at himself (or could it be the crickets reflection?) with an evil glare.
How do I make something that will block the reflection so he will not see himself and instead hunt the crickets? I've had some small problems with this, but always got him hunting again. Normally he is a great eater.
Im sorry if I posted this in the wrong sub forum, I thought it goes here.


New Member
NE Ohio
Do you have anything taped around the outside of his tank? I ask because oftentimes with reptiles I tape construction paper around 3 sides of their tanks to help them feel secure. I had done that on my leo's tank and had to remove it. The construction paper made his reflection even more visible than plain glass and he kept staring at it while waggin his tail in the slow S shape. Bert has seemed to notice his reflection less since I removed the paper. It's just a thought in case you do have anything taped to the outside.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
I made a desert background a few months ago, when I still had William. I kept it on. I will make something for the sides too.
Um, I think you misread what they said. They're saying that they had stuff on the back and sides, and it made the reflecting more visible and removed it. And when they removed it, their leo did better. Their advice wasn't add more. It was remove it if you have it.

I'll remove it then. Sorry I was in a hurry and misread that.
Eventually he ate like a pig lol, but I still think he's more interested in the reflection than the food. Any tips to stop that?

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