Regurgitated dubia - alive after 24 hours!


New Member
This dubia was the first and only dubia that I snipped all 6 legs. I don't normally leave bigger dubias in the mealworm dishes because they eventually climb out. (I'm waiting for deeper dishes to arrive in the mail). I called Mango to come out to eat, but she didn't come out so I snipped the legs of this dubia, which took me a few minutes to do. But Mango came out as I was done so I just gave it to her. I realized then that it was too big when it took her longer than normal to swallow it down. I have been feeding dubias 0.5" - 1" in size with no problem. This one was extra fat and was apparently too big.

I was so worried if she would be able to digest it. Anyway, Mango evidently regurgitated it the following night, and it was still alive! I knew it was the same dubia because of the snipped legs. The regurgitated dubia was lying on its back barely moving and attached to a partially digested dubia... I was grossed out and relieved at the same time. :eek:

Now I know the maximum size of dubias to feed my leos! Scary though that it didn't die. It's a good thing it wasn't something mean like a superworm!


New Member
Milford PA
Thats...freaky but thanks for shareing. I've only had that happen with a meal worm but it was the same day not over night. What you have there is a super roach. It might grow its legs back for all you know and stalk you in the middle of the night wanting revenge lol. But really thats gross and creepy.

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