relativley new gecko owner with a big problem


New Member
i have had my first gecko for about one year now and i have had her since she was about 2 months. i bought a second gecko as an adult about 6 months ago from a local pet store and 2 months after that i thought she seemed like she was getting fat in the tummy area while her tail remained the same. i took her to an experienced owner and was told that she was pregnant, however it has been 4 months since then and she looks very pregnant to me but has not laid anything. her tail got a little larger but she looks like she is pregnant to me. i did not buy her with the intent to breed and the geckos are both female and i was told that the store made a mistake with housing males and females together. i have no knowledge in the breeding area. what do i do?


New Member
Athens, GA
Pet stores rarely know what they're talking about with sexing reptiles. The only person who would probably know is the breeder. Well it normally takes 2-4 weeks for a female to lay. Just watch her close and be prepared if she is pregnant. You could spend 50$ to get an incubator. The nova whatever. It's not so expensive. Just read articles online. That's how I learned. But don't believe everything you read! Also google images of how to properly sex them. You should be able to tell by now. It could just be getting a little chubby!


New Member
She could just be fat. A friend of mine has a gecko that has never been with a male and she looks so pregnant that her belly almost touches the ground. I flipped her over and didn't see any eggs, just fat deposits. I told her that her gecko was obese.

What is your feeding regime?


New Member
at first i was keeping them (the 2 of them share a tank) regularly fed with a dish of gutloaded mealworms. then i noticed that they didnt seem very active and both of my geckos seemed a little chubby so i switched to 4 or 5 crickets a day for each of them and i pick the other leo out of the cage while one is eating so i know she hasnt had more that that. the other gecko has been fine since then so i dont know what is wrong with her :( if one of them seems particularly hungry i give them 1 or 2 extra crickets but never more than that and sometines they arent hungry or willing to chase the crickets so i take them out. i usualy dont feed them Wednesdays or sundays to give them a break to make some room in their stomachs.

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