Removing eggs


New Member
I was just wondering, My girl has 3 eggs in her. Very easy to see. However, I JUST got up this morning and looked in. She is in the laybox with one egg. It looks nice and plump like a good egg. However, I do not see any signs of the other two eggs and she is still really fat... Pregnant fat... I think she still has the other two eggs in her.

Should i be ok to remove that one egg? Or should i wait for all to be laid before putting it in the incubator?


Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
I was just wondering, My girl has 3 eggs in her. Very easy to see. However, I JUST got up this morning and looked in. She is in the laybox with one egg. It looks nice and plump like a good egg. However, I do not see any signs of the other two eggs and she is still really fat... Pregnant fat... I think she still has the other two eggs in her.

Should i be ok to remove that one egg? Or should i wait for all to be laid before putting it in the incubator?


I would wait and try not to disturb her too much, but thats just me


New Member
NE Ohio
We just had a girl yesterday lay one egg, I took it out and put it in the incubator. It wasn't until several hours later that she laid her second one. If it has been a couple hours I would say go ahead and remove the one that has been laid. That will give it time to firm up. If it has only been a few minutes, then just wait it out.


New Member
We just had a girl yesterday lay one egg, I took it out and put it in the incubator. It wasn't until several hours later that she laid her second one. If it has been a couple hours I would say go ahead and remove the one that has been laid. That will give it time to firm up. If it has only been a few minutes, then just wait it out.

I did take it out and it was firm... It was quite large also... Looks really good though. I think it might be a good egg and it was her first time!!! We are still awaiting more from her. She must of laid it in the middle of the night.

And I just got home and the wife was checking on another tank, and, we are now incubating 5 eggs... Holy... She found another two! They are small but have a nice shape and color to them. So we are incubating them!!!

Thanks for the reply!:main_thumbsup:

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