RENT.....I know sounds weird....


New Member
THANKS FOR ALL THE RESPONSES MY FRIENDS> I believe I have found someone to watch them for me for the year. I truly thank you all for your support!!!!!!!

I am deploying to Iraq in October this year. I have a colony of 4 geckos that live together year round.(3 females and 1 male) I am interested in someone that would be willing to take them for the year for the price of the eggs they provide them for the year? I know it sounds weird but, I can't afford to find a sitter for them for a whole year, my husband doesn't like them so I don't trust leaving them with him for the year, and I would like to have them back when I get home. I don't really know what else to try. Any other ideas would be welcome.
They are 1 Tang male
1 jungle female
1 regular female
and 1 snow bell female.
Please let me know if you are interested in this. The cage would go for the year as well. It's a 35 tall with lots of hides and pretty stand. It would be very pretty in someones place for the year. I live in Kansas City Kansas if anyone has any ideas that would work out for me and them. Thanks a lot for your time.
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