Repti-Aide advice, please!


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Thanks to Marcia for giving me the suggestion to try it!!! But I need some advice and assistance...

I applied a little bit of the paste to the end of Angel's nose with the syringe, which wasn't easy because she kept moving around. Since she was moving around she wiped it off the inside of her humid hide or it fell off her nose and onto the papertowel in her humid hide. So I haven't got any in her yet. She got stressed and moved out of the humid hide and into one of her hides. Do I stress her out more and get her out of the hide? Can I make a little pile of the paste somewhere and see if she will lick it on her own? Do I try to force the syringe in the side of her mouth? How do I do that??? She's is definitely not acting like she is supposed to!! The directions say to apply to the tip of the mose and she will lick it off!!! HA! They haven't met Angel!

I look forward to other's advice and suggestions!



New Member
Pickerington, OH
Scott&Nikki said:
I would try any area around her mouth. From corner to corner (but don't let it get in the nose).

It's worth a try...just not sure how to get it on her mouth when she won't hold still!!! I had problems getting it on her nose; her whole mouth should be real exciting! I had another suggestion to water down the past a little more so it is more runny...maybe she will lick it off better this way.

Thanks for the suggestion Scott,



New Member
When I made the slurry it was runny. And I hold powder in my hand and put some on her nose. It takes a little while for mrs stubborn to take it but after she starts licking dont stop dropping!!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I agree with diluting the Repta-Aid to it can easily be administered with a dropper. Try getting a little bit into the corner of her mouth, and hopefully she will like the taste and begin licking it while you squeeze out a few drops at a time. You may need to hold her while doing this...


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Golden Gate Geckos said:
I agree with diluting the Repta-Aid to it can easily be administered with a dropper. Try getting a little bit into the corner of her mouth, and hopefully she will like the taste and begin licking it while you squeeze out a few drops at a time. You may need to hold her while doing this...

Now this could get interesting....VBG! Anyone want a shot at $100K from America's Funniest Videos? Come and video tape me and we can split the money! VBG I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time!

Seriously, I will give it a try...anything to get more poor Angel eating...

Here is a recent pic of her...


Here is a pic from 3 weeks earlier...


Can you see a weight loss?



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