rescued Leopard Gecko



i took in a Leopard from my vets, poor lil guy is blind, but did eat a wax worm today. I've read they have a sweet tooth so i put some honey on my finger for it to taste, seems to like it, i also am misting 4 or 5 times daily because it has shed stuck to its lil face and over it's eyes when i first got it, but it's doing very well now, or better ay least.
Does anyone have any type sugestions on the blindness factor and what I CAN DO TO MAKE IT THE MOST COMFORTABLE in it's routine?
we are doing fine just wondering if anyone has experience in treating one that is blind?
Thanks for the input.


New Member
your 100% he's blind? If he has stuck on skin around his eyes his eye cap shed couls still be there keeping the film that covers a geckos eye when i closes to stay covered preventing him from seeing. I thought one i rescued was blind but turned out he had some of the bedding in his eye causing a infection(being treated) that made his eye swell. Got the bit that was in his eye was taken out and he can now see. I could have swore hed be blind. His eye was icky and shed was all around his eye but thanks to a nice guy showing me what to do Little Bothersome(his name lol) can now see. But I do have a Jungle RAPTOR blind in one eye. Just make sure your cage isnt super crowded, kept the same way(they get into a routeen), dont give him anything that will bite back(crickets, superworms and such) and when your around talk to him, let him know your in the room before you start doing something there to prevent startling him. Make sure that his hide holes are big enough for him to be able to feel there. And get a little dish for mealies, The sound will draw him in and hell feed on his own just by sound. hope i helped some.8D

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