Rescuing a Ball Python


New Member
San Jose, CA
I will be rescuing a Ball Python this week.

My Girlfriends Childcare center has a neglected Ball Python they are willing to give to me and from what I have seen the poor guy doesn't have proper heating.

And from what I hear it is only fed 1 once a month or so.

My questions are as follows.

1.) How often should they eat. I have read every week to every other week.

2.) How big do they get.... I am a Leo owner so this will be my first snake.
The snake currently is a little under 2ft.

3.) What type of food is safe for the snake.. I was told baby chicks??? that seems a bit large but I guess food rules are different w/ snakes than the are w/ leo's...

4.) Last but not least VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS does their food need to be powdered or are they good to go w/ just he mice/chicks.

I found some care sheets but a lot of the info seems to vary from owner. I wouldl ike to see what you people think as well.


um... Id say go all rodent, theres no need to deal with chicks. Every week is good and the prey size should be a little smaller than the thickness of the snake. I know for a fact they dont need Vitamins, rodents are full nutrition. other than that I dont know. The snake people around here will let you know!


New Member
New Jersey
Rodents are the way to go. Start with a size smaller than it's girth to be on the safe side since it hasn't eaten for awhile. Mine are offered food every 7 days. Slowly work it up to a size slightly larger than it's girth when it is eating consistently for you. When you get it, give it a good long soak(20 minutes to a half hour) in some warm water to hydrate it. Depending on how dehydrated it is will affect on if you need to soak it more often or not at all. Keep the warm side at about 88-90 and the cool side at 75. A humid hide is a must. As for handling, definitely leave it alone for at least a good week or so to settle down. Good luck with it. As for size, I have some that are 4-5 feet. Some can get bigger as they get older and depending on their feeding schedules. Hope it helps


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I completely agree. Stick with rodents with the little guy. We get alot of rescue bps and they are usually dehydrated, malnourished and parasite infested (from improper heating).
What we've found that seems to work is, after you get them soaked and bedded down in a nice, warm home (with a hide) for a couple days, offer up a rat a bit smaller than their girth. If they aren't used to being fed often, wait a while, usually about 10 days, and offer another. This way, it gives their liver time to start working again. Within no time, you'll have him eating on a weekly schedule and taking larger prey each time.
Other than that, keep him warm and keep his humidity up and you should end up with a happy little rescue!

Thank you for taking him in!:main_thumbsup:

Best of luck!



New Member
San Jose, CA

It's been about a week since I have had this Ball Python He still has not eaten. I have offered it a mouse 2 times, left the mouse in for about 1 hour turned off all the lights in the room left the room.

Heat seems to be a problem I have a Ceramic heater lamp set. as well as a UTH. and the temp ranges around 85 or 86* during the day and drops to as low as 72 as night. Should I add another heat source to bump it up to 90?

What other methods can I use for feeding? different type of rodent?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
1. Are you measuring the floor temps or the air?

2. What was he fed before? Mice or rats?

3. When was the last time they fed him?

Some times it can take much longer to get an newly aquired reptile to eat, he/she may need some more time.


New Member
San Jose, CA
this is air temp..

They fed him mice about 4 months ago.. *this date keeps changing so that worries me even more*


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
ok, his floor temps should be about 90-92. If the air temps are 84-86 it could be too hot on the floor. Usually a UTH is all you need unless your room is cold.

Can you post a pic of him so we can see what kind of condition he's in?


New Member
San Jose, CA
So I took a temp of the floor and it is in the low 90's.

He finally ate today. I dropped the mouse in and within seconds he snatched it up. I think it is going to be okay! :main_thumbsup: I will post pic's once I get my digital camera back.

Thanks for the input.


My BPs scare me sometimes w/their of mine went on a 2.5 month hunger strike over winter, but that's not too abnormal. In the meantime, the younger of my two (by about 5mos) grew LARGER than the older...heh

Once they get into a regular feeding schedule, they're probably one of the best, easiest to care for and friendliest snakes available. I love mine.

Good luck! Now that s/he has eaten, I'd say the road has straightened out for you!


New Member
San Jose, CA
Here's a pic of the guy, sorry for the camera phone pic.

He's eating every week.

I was wondering when would be a good time to swap from mice to baby rats? if at all?

I hear rats are more nutritious. Also is 1 time a week good for BPs? I was watching a vid of a guy that feeds his BP 2-3times a week! that seems like a lot to me but then again I'm a Leo person and don't know too much about BP's


New Member
New Jersey
Depending on the snake's girth, you can try rats, just watch the size. Some rat pups are the size of mice. Always ask to see the size of the feeder before they put it in the box. Feeding once every 7-10 days is a good schedule. I usually make sure they defecate before the next feeding. For me, that averages about every 8 days. I have them on a schedule where the tanks and ranks are cleaned the day before feeding and they seem to handle it well. He's a good looking snake. You are doing a great job with him.

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