

Winter Garden FL.
Dude, he's 16! And furthermore, he probably won't be around all that long. That's my prediction.

Agreed man, but bad advice like he gave on the incubator could really give others bad exp. and a rough road starting out. I am all about shutting down bad advice before it gets started. I wish I would have joined this forum and had bad advice shut down on me when I first got started.


He's only 16

Plus is it fair to talk shit about someone when they cant come into this area to defend themselves?

I would suggest sending him a pm and suggesting in a friendly manner to be careful about giving wrong/bad advice

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
Foreverandever said:
I would suggest sending him a pm and suggesting in a friendly manner to be careful about giving wrong/bad advice

Agreed! :main_yes: That would have been a far better way to handle it, IMO.

And not only PM him, but the person he gave the advice to as well. That is, if you're sincere about wanting to set the record straight. I myself would have posted in those threads, but I had trouble hunting them down.


New Member
His age has nothing to do with it. Nigel, Nick, etc. are young and have a pretty good head on their shoulders as what to do when it comes to geckos, so he shouldn't be excused. But I do agree that someone should PM him with some articles or something and their concerns with him spreading the wrong information.


His age has nothing to do with it. Nigel, Nick, etc. are young and have a pretty good head on their shoulders as what to do when it comes to geckos, so he shouldn't be excused. But I do agree that someone should PM him with some articles or something and their concerns with him spreading the wrong information.

His age has everything to do with it. Young teens are always annoying. No matter how knowledgeable they are on a subject lol

It might be more of a case of him being misinformed about breeding. The advice he gave could be what he knows to be true :main_yes:
Winter Garden FL.
foreverandever and Ink if you to will go to the thread I gave him some advice. I posted above to Ink not the kid. And Liz is correct. The kid is 16 years old. He's old enuff to read and know what research is. So just because he's 16, that means no one should take his advise. Nigel is young and has given me plenty of great advise. Bottom line.... Age doesn't matter.....

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
foreverandever and Ink if you to will go to the thread I gave him some advice. I posted above to Ink not the kid. And Liz is correct. The kid is 16 years old. He's old enuff to read and know what research is. So just because he's 16, that means no one should take his advise. Nigel is young and has given me plenty of great advise. Bottom line.... Age doesn't matter.....

First of all, bad information is just that. It's bad. I think that we can all agree on that.

I think Nigel is an exception, rather than the norm. So I don't see that as a good comparison. Do you have kids? Because if you do, then you know that they're not produced with a cookie-cutter. They're not all the same - some are smarter, some wiser, some are knowledgeable beyond their years. I won't go into insulting this young man, because even having given the bad advice, he doesn't deserve it! He's a kid!

I stand by my comment that this was better handled with a couple PMs. If you have a problem with that, TOO FUCKIN' BAD!

And I have some advice for you too. Get yourself a fuckin' dictionary, or use spell check. All those spelling mistakes are fuckin' annoying! Now I'm Done! :main_angry:


I think Nigel is an exception, rather than the norm. So I don't see that as a good comparison. Do you have kids? Because if you do, then you know that they're not produced with a cookie-cutter. They're not all the same - some are smarter, some wiser, some are knowledgeable beyond their years. I won't go into insulting this young man, because even having given the bad advice, he doesn't deserve it! He's a kid!

I was going to say something alsong these lines, but am too tired to think lol

I agree though
Winter Garden FL.
I do have children Ink and I understand not all children are the same. I don't feel that I was picking on this kid just trying to correct him. And yes I misspell quite abit, thanks for pointing that out. Oh and if you don't like it. Blow me!!!! I think faster than I can type and tend to mess up quite a bit. You and your little shadow foreverandever think I done something wrong by correcting him, please explain. I just think he should have done alittle more research before making a comment like that. I wasn't trying to be a asshole by no means. If the kid ever were to ask me a question I will try to help him or tell him who he needs to contact. I don't see where I was talking shit about the kid. I just made a comment. Explain that to me also. What I think is going on here is you are looking for a flame war. If your life is so boring that you want to talk all big and bad on a thread. Your on old fucker. :cry2:

And as for you foreverandever. I think you might want to try using spell check before you complain about someones spelling. Kinda makes you look like a dumbass your self.. :main_thumbsup:

I was going to say something alsong these lines, but am too tired to think lol

I agree though


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
Iy nevr lernt ta spel budt... Nah I'm playing, but that's trivial. The kid is ignorant. I think he just needs to be shown the right way to do things. Let him know what's wrong about his train of thought right on the thread so you know he'll see it and the misinformation is nipped in the bud. We all learned what we know at some point. I don't think it's fair to hold the kid to a "Nigel Standard." Nigel has taken the time to learn his stuff, afford the other kid a chance to do so. I do agree that he shouldn't call himself a breeder, but I guess that's not my call. If he's not corrected he will continue to spread misinformation. That's my $.02. It's not that big of a deal if the BS isn't allowed to spread. Knowing what's wrong is almost as good as knowing what's right. PS Don't Ratpack The Homie! :main_laugh:


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
David Evans Reptiles said:
And as for you foreverandever. I think you might want to try using spell check before you complain about someones spelling. Kinda makes you look like a dumbass your self.. :main_thumbsup:

Just because someone has a TYPING mistake, doesn't mean they don't know how to spell, period. You want to bitch about it, at least say "learn how to TYPE" and leave the spelling out of it.

There's a difference between a typing error and poor grammar skills, and I can guaran-fuckin-tee you that Forever is NOT a dumbass.

That's all I really have to say. I wouldn't have had any comment on this topic if it weren't for this.
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Winter Garden FL.
LOL Ok all of you. I am a fun loving guy that likes a good flame war. I see this stuff as a big game and I really don't know you guys, so I really don't have any beef with you all. I just wanted to let you all know that the things you say to me isn't making me mad and will not hurt my feelings but as a fair warning. If you throw shit at me, GET READY. LOL Now I have no intentions of hurting anyones feelings as I am not a ass hole for the most part. There is several people in this fight club that I talk to in chat rooms daily that will tell you that I just like having fun. So with that being said. If you want this flame to continue.. Fire away. LOL
As for this kid. I understand that he could have been mis led by bad information. Thats why I posted on the thread he posted on in the open forum. No I didn't PM him because I really don't know him either. think about it. a 31 year old man PMing a 16 year old boy and telling him that his information is wrong and if he would like any help, I will help him.. If some old guy sends a Private message to one of my kids like that. I am looking for him and asking him why he is so intrested in my child. So that is why I posted in the open forum. Call me crazy but thats how I feel.. I am done talking about the kid now....


And as for you foreverandever. I think you might want to try using spell check before you complain about someones spelling. Kinda makes you look like a dumbass your self.. :main_thumbsup:

Uhhhhh, I didnt say anything about your spelling... that was Ink. Try reading the part that I quoted and agreed with. Now who looks like the dumbass?

I am no ones shadow. I was actually the first to say something about it. Gee, you really are looking dumb

And thank you, Jess
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think about it. a 31 year old man PMing a 16 year old boy and telling him that his information is wrong and if he would like any help, I will help him.. If some old guy sends a Private message to one of my kids like that. I am looking for him and asking him why he is so intrested in my child. So that is why I posted in the open forum. Call me crazy but thats how I feel.. I am done talking about the kid now....

Yet it's ok for a 31 year old man to talk shit about a child? Interesting
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Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
If your life is so boring that you want to talk all big and bad on a thread. Your on old fucker.

Trust me, my life is far from boring. And I don't just talk all big and bad. ;) As for the "old fucker" comment. You want to get personal, I can hang with your adolescent ass too. Here's a sample...

Old? Your Momma's old. I bet that bitch looks like that toothless, wart-infested old hag from the Popeye cartoons. And as a matter of fact, your wife probably looks like Olive Oyl, and you probably look like Whimpy. :beatnik2:
Winter Garden FL.
ok. I might have jumped the gun and accused you of quoteing ink on something else. So I will withdraw the dumbass. As for talking shit about this kid... EXPLAIN. Both you retards still havn't explained how I was talking shit about this Kid. You can't explain..... So now you look like a dumbass again. Wow you get the dumbass statement withdrawen just to get it right back.. :main_laugh:

Yet it's ok for a 31 year old man to talk shit about a child? Interesting

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