Brian O

This has been a painful year. I have been repeatedly abused by sooo many businesses that I can't take it anymmore. I catch them in the wrong and they tell me to bad. First Best Buy does a bate and switch on me with a dryer. Then my mortgage company takes me for a ride, one day notice on my closing after two cancellations. U-Haul didn't have my truck and and sent me to a store twenty minutes away. When they finally finish ringing me up twenty minutes after closing they find out they had lost the keys. So I had to close and make a two trip move in the same day. Then I buy furniture at Harlem Furniture and they abuse me. First my couch is broken at delivery and then two weeks later I find that part of my entertainment system is broken. No problem, I thought I had a warrinty even though it was broke at delivery. They told me they sold me insurance on a table so it was not covered. I had to argue and complain calling back several times to get the problem solved. Then the merchant company I tried decided to charge me for two months of service they never provided because they never sent me the equipment. When I cancelled they tried to charge me with a $300(approx) fee for early cancellation. I swear the next person that tries to screw me I am going to go Predator and rip their spine out and beat them with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't beatings be legal? There are reeling some people out there that need a beating.


WOW- Brian- it seems like you have had seven years bad luck ail rolled into one
i sure hope that things get better for you
I am also tired of the uncaring lack of customer appreciation and service by many businesses these days
Their attitude has gone from "the customer is always right" (when i worked in retail) to the customer doesn't matter worth a shit


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