ruby eye ?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I know those of you with eclipse and snake eye leos said thier eyesight seems just fine, but how about any morphs with ruby eyes?
I'm going to guess they have increased light sensitivity as when someone has a baby they always comment how the eyes are almost always closed so it's hard to get a good look at the eyes. But then I've seen some awsome pics of adults with ruby eyes-and close ups of the eyes too.
Also and I don't know my eye parts really that much, but normal leo eyes have the iris? pupil? to get smaller to block the light-do ruby eye leos have the same? On some pics it's so hard to tell, the eye is just all red. And on dark ruby eyed leos it looks even harder to tell what's going on in the eye. Any good pics?


New Member
boutiquegecko said:
I know those of you with eclipse and snake eye leos said thier eyesight seems just fine, but how about any morphs with ruby eyes?
I'm going to guess they have increased light sensitivity as when someone has a baby they always comment how the eyes are almost always closed so it's hard to get a good look at the eyes. But then I've seen some awsome pics of adults with ruby eyes-and close ups of the eyes too.
Also and I don't know my eye parts really that much, but normal leo eyes have the iris? pupil? to get smaller to block the light-do ruby eye leos have the same? On some pics it's so hard to tell, the eye is just all red. And on dark ruby eyed leos it looks even harder to tell what's going on in the eye. Any good pics?

Albino leo's anyway are more light senitive a ruby eyed-AKA-albino eclipse eyes will be the same as a standed albino eye as the eclipse gene just clear's the iris pattern but the iris is still in full working order there is still a iris there to exspand and retracked so having ruby eyes make then no more or no less senitive to light'etc.

When you see a picture of a ruby eye full red the iris is fully exspaned.
When you see a picture of a ruby eye full red but has a bit darker red slit the iris is fully retracked.

Make sense ?? :main_huh: .
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