ok so i got a Chinese Leopard Gecko a little more than a week ago. he seemed to be doing well but was loosing all the fat in his tail and not eating on his own. took him to the vet did what i was told. had all the right temps and humidity. 3 hides, new carpet, climbing rock. got him all his shots, mineral oil, calcium. poor little guy just wasted a way. i want to get another but i really worry that he just couldn't handle all the changes. He was active and interested in his tank the first few days then just seem to get listless and not want to eat or move around any more. this really didn't seem normal for him or for geckos in general. i have cared for tanks full of hatching Mediterranean house geckos that seem to love Oklahoma and live well here indoors or out. never had them go lethargic on me. any one know if this is normal for this species. and if there was any thing other than food, water, vet, temperature and humidity that i should have been watch full for? some thing i missed that caused him to just give up?