Today I was handling my leo, and she was on my shoulder (she goes on it all the time when I do things). I went to go set her on the ground so she could explore, and she flipped out and jumped about 5 feet and onto the ground. Immeadiately she started shaking her tail like crazy and was flat as a pancake. I was so worried she broke a leg or was about to drop her tail, so I tried to leave her alone. While she was on the floor not moving except her tail, I layed down, and kept very quiet. After about 5 minutes, she stopped wagging her tail so I gently put a T-Shirt under her so I could take her back to her cage and not physically touch her. She then perked up and walked onto it. So I carried the shirt and put her back in the cage. I then turned off the lights and let her relax. I was so scared!