Science Teacher new gecko owner


New Member
Hi all, I'm a 7th grade science teacher and I have had a big ol' lazy bearded dragon adult male as a classroom pet for about a year now.

Last week a student came to me and asked me if I wanted two leopard geckos because she didn't want them anymore. I agreed. They came to me in a 10 gallon tank. I think they're adults. They are both at least 7inches long. She tells me one is male and one is female. The substrate she had was some crumbled up paper scrap....Im not sure what it was.

So I found myself raiding our science storage room with things I can use to house these guys. I found two old 20 gallon tanks, cleaned them out. I found a couple of old reptile hides and some plastic tuberware for moist hides and some paper towel rolls for cold hides.

Their food and water dishes are some clean petri dishes. Mealworms aren't climbing out of them. I also found some water bottle caps for the calcium powder.

They seem to be happy, I've had them about a week now. They are so cute!

Questions (you knew these were coming right?)

1. do leos like to be handled? I know my beardie could sit in my arms all day.
2. One of the leos bit me but it didn't this just the way they are or can they be trained?
3. I've seen arguments for UTHs and heat lamps....which is better? which is easier to regulate temperature?
4. How much and how often should they be fed? They seem to like superworms. How many should they get and how often? I gave them a small hornworm. Im kind of happy that they seem to like the same food as my beardie.
5. I hate crickets so no way

Thanks for your help


New Member
United States
For the most part, Leos don't mind being handled. Each one is an individual though. Over time they may get used to you more. I use tile in my tank so I use a ceramic heat lamp hooked to a zoo med rheostat. My UTH on the rheostat gets waaaay too hot on the minimum setting, 100+ surface temps. So it depends on your substrate. Adults can be fed every couple of days. Super worms are fine when gutloaded and dusted. Feed as much as they will eat in 10 or so minutes.

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