Selling collection/Local sales.

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DLS Reptile

I have decided to sell off my entire collection due to some unforeseen events. I have the following:
3 Raptors All male and One of these is a proven breeder( over 60 g). The other 2 are approx. 15 g.
2 enigmas het raptor 1 of these is proven the other is a juvenile.
2 female het raptor breeders ( over 50 g) 1 Tremper 1 normal.
1 male het raptor (Over 50g) ( Tremper alibino)

And over 15 assorted Tremper jungles, sunglows and normals all 100% het raptor juveniles.

I am selling all of these for $650.00

Thanks, Dave...

DLS Reptile

I am now letting these go for 350.00 as I have to get rid of them. Need the funds due to a temp layoff. Thanks, Dave...
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